The HERSHEY-ANNVILLE RAILROAD, Annville Inn's Garden Scale Train Project, suffered a major setback when our brass rails got buried in two feet of snow throughout most of the layout, to over 3.5 feet where a major drift crossed the Garden Scale RR tracks.
It took some time, but eventually the track crew, the signal maintainers, and other work gangs sliced, lifted, brushed and scrubbed away snow. Engine No. 3874 also helped, it kicked snow away off the track with its "cow catcher," located out in front of the engine. The cow catcher really serves a purpose, and it was fun to see it blast a snow boulder off the tracks, plowing on ahead.
In these photographs, the train is running with only a partial "consist," meaning it is not made up of many cars. This is done to make sure the track is workable.
It is a lot easier to re-align three derailed cars than it is to re-assemble seven or eight cars during a snow storm.
Sure enough...after the tracks were cleared and scrubbed, after Hershey-Annville No.3874 plowed around the tracks, and after all systems were operating beautifully, a new snow storm hit us. The snow started coming down and at one point created a near white-out. Yet, good ole #3874 kept on going, oblivious to the snow. The train is heavy enough to crunch down light snowfall and keep right on going.
- Thanks to son, Michael, for giving Dad the train for Father's Day a couple of years ago. Each year the railroad system expands.
Last year, Craig demolished the previous railroad and built from scratch a completely new system with the help of the farm boys down the road. Joel and Jordan have earned the title of "Section Foreman" on the Hershey-Annville Railroad.
The railroad is planning on expansion this spring. We have plans for a switch and siding this year if all goes well.
- The railroad is representative of a railroad that once ran from Hershey to Lebanon to bring workers from Annville and Lebanon into Hershey, and carried milk to the factory.
- Guests in the Secret Room have a deck that extends out over the Hershey-Annville RR, and often sit and enjoy watching the train from above. Late last year, we added electrical lights to the layout so it can operate after dark. Come see our train!